Consultation as to loss of value to properties surrounding the 200 acre Tybouts Corner landfill, then designated the 2nd worst Superfund site in the United States. The analysis assisted attorneys and property owners in reaching a settlement with the government body involved in the case.

A property owner was approached by a neighbor who wanted to acquire a rear corner of his home’s lot. The analysis included the varied potential impacts of this purchase on the property owner’s personal residence, the value of the acquisition, and recommendations on alternatives.

Acquisition of 55 acres of highway right of way for the Route One/I-95 interchange from 400+ acres of land with multiple zoning classifications, adjacent to the Christiana Mall. This assignment, which was conducted for the condemnor, involved special benefits analysis and was a case that spanned years and reached the Supreme Court.

Appraisal of iconic beach property at the corner of Rehoboth Avenue and Boardwalk in Rehoboth Beach. The property encompassed a candymaking operation and retail candy store, amusement arcade, custard stand, snack bar, obsolete bowling alley, storage, and apartment.

Appraisals of avgiation easements on over 100 properties near New Castle County Airport. The valuations included homes, commercial properties on Route 13, and a university campus.

Tybouts Corner Superfund Site

Appraisals of closed automobile plant containing 3.5 million square feet of building area. Multiple value scenarios and dates were analyzed.

Studies have been completed to measure the impact of proximity of a proposed cell tower to the surrounding neighborhood. These assignments often extend to testimony before the appropriate government body.

Valuation of a large parcel of land improved with estate residence, with sewer nearby and major residential development potential, conducted to provide advice to owner for estate planning and possible sale. Several values were examined including high density development, large lot development, conservation easement, and impact of various development scenarios upon the existing mansion.

Whitehall Tract

800 Delaware Avenue Office Reassessment

Christiana Mall

Former General Motors Plant

Avigation Easements

Russell W. Peterson Wildlife Refuge

Valuation of transfers of minority interests in two limited liability companies, requiring estimates of discounts for lack of control and marketability associated with the minority interests. These limited liability companies held partial ownership interests in over 30 additional LLCs and other ownership entities, which in turn held real estate as their primary asset.

Retrospective appraisal of downtown office building based on a 1983 value date, which was the previous valuation date used for assessment purposes.  Asbestos was present, requiring an analysis of value as impacted by environmental issues, in addition to the normal office valuation.  

Appraisal of multiple tracts of marshland assembled to create 200+ acre wildlife preserve with visitor’s center on the Christina River. The analysis involved values in fee simple and subject to conservation easements, as well as upland and wetland acreage.

Appraisals of 200,000+ square foot arts center and exhibition hall, as well as historic office building, both located in the Riverfront District, for property exchange. The arts center appraisal included market value and use value estimates.

Partial Acquisition of Brandywine Plaza Office Complex

Star Enterprise Highway Acquisition

Riverfront Arts Center and Juniper Financial Properties

Appraisal conducted for the State for acquisition of 370 acres from the 4,925 acre Star Enterprise refinery property. The acquisition for the Route One highway, which bisected this large tract, encompassed commercial and industrial zoning, multiple road frontages and parcels, and a Superfund site.

Pomeroy Railroad Corridor

Dolles – Rehoboth Beach

Residential Lot

Retrospective Damages Due to Utility Easement

Partial Interest Transfers

Country Estate - Multiple Value Scenarios

Counseling of both a conservation organization buyer and a private seller to assist in negotiating a sale price, followed by a subsequent appraisal of this 1,000+ acre property. The property was of significant environmental importance with stunning river views, and was impacted by a subdivision plan nearing approval, several improvement complexes, large wetland tracts, leases, and multiple stakeholders.

Appraisal to derive damages as a result of potential lots lost due to the presence of a power line bisecting a property. This valuation was completed in the mid 2000’s and had an effective date in 1973, entailing analysis of 1973 era data and an entirely different zoning code in effect at that time.

Conservation & Historical Facade Easement

Former Marta/Acierno Tract

Conservation Consultation & Valuation

Appraisal for property owner of large, prominently located office campus which was impacted by a partial acquisition. This complex faced the loss of parking and an entire building based on a highway project that would disrupt their operations and leasing for over three years.

Appraisals of one of the nation’s most successful regional malls with valuation dates immediately before and immediately after 9-11. The analysis of the 1 million square foot mall also encompassed an adjoining tract of land with environmental issues, and valuation of minority ownership interests.

Appraisal of 200+ acre country estate with over ½ mile of frontage on the Brandywine to derive the value of a proposed conservation easement restricting development, and a façade easement on an historic residence. The analysis also entailed valuation of partial interests and estimation of market rent for this property with two primary residences, multiple outbuildings, and a world class natatorium.

Appraisals valuing the former Pomeroy rail corridor in downtown Newark in its entirety, as well as in segments. Work on the corridor encompassed formal appraisals and litigation support, as well as changing ownership interests and evolving court decisions over a 15 year time frame.

Analysis and consultation advising landowners and attorneys as to valuation impact and negotiation strategy on an acquisition of 125 acres from a 1,350 acre property for a major interchange on a divided highway. The property had been approved as the site for a business park and thousands of residential units, and was the largest state acquisition of land in approximately 20 years, involving the loss of over 500,000 square feet of approved office space, as well as approved residential lots.

Proximity Studies - Cellular Towers